Analog Analog

Dungeness: Testing Fomapan 400

By law, photographers in southeast England, with a few days holiday, have to make a pilgrimage to Dungeness, which is how I found myself in, probably, the most COVID-safe environment in this crowded corner of the country.

It gave me an excellent opportunity to test a new-to-me, black and white film, Fomapan 400.

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Uncategorized, Not photography Nigel Rumsey Uncategorized, Not photography Nigel Rumsey

Brain space, rainy bank holidays & the answer to eternal happiness*

The rainy bank holiday, in the British psyche, is the epitome of British pessimism. The average Brit expects it to rain on a bank holiday because 'it’s miserable here that’s the worst thing that can happen', right? Well, as it transpires, no. I like everyone else had been watching the weather forecasts and had bemoaned the approaching weather.

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